
What is it?


The short description:
The program of appointment for data exchange between the personal computer and a mobile phone, consists of two modules - for the personal computer and for mobile telephone with support java. The exchange basis consists in opened port of the computer and connection with that port telephone with support GPRS and an exchange among themselves commands. The data is in a database of server FireBird and comprises the table of users, the table of active connections, the magazine table (the table of comments), the table of messages, the table of names with own hand created tables, tables of the data for an exchange with users of the mobile program module.
The table of users includes the data of users with possibility of distribution of access rights to tables of the data.
The table of active connections contains the data about users which connections to the server now.
The table of magazine of comments containing the reference to the entrance comment of the specified table the client of system.
The table of the data for exchange looks in the form of circles of the data, it when the chosen position is included into group of the data and can include also group of the data.

Each line of the data of the table of an exchange can contain the data depending on the status:
- A line number
- Column number
- Number of the main thing of a line into which group is included the given line
- The status (a menu position, the text data, a photo, wap - transition, to the price list the data
- The position name
- A way or the description depending on the status
- Quantity
- The price
- Currency

There is a possibility of viewing and editing of the data of the table in program Excel.

For data exchange it is necessary to adjust GPRS in a mobile phone and to have static IP the address of the personal computer (in case of dynamic the address, its knowledge now connections).


Program appointment
As an alternative substitute wap pages for telephone, with overweight in fast are created the necessary data for viewing, without necessity of purchase and hosting support, presence only the computer connected to the Internet. It is possible to use as the grant, a directory, an exchange of instant text messages etc. By working out and connection of additional modules to a database, it is possible to expand much more program possibilities, for example:
- An advance orders section
- A dispatching taxi service
- Real estate agency
- Etc.


- Very fast creation and table editing exchange the data
- Creation of necessary quantity of tables of data exchange
- Editing of the rights and accesses of clients to the data exchange table
- Possibility of group creation and editing of the data
- Viewing of the data of the table of an exchange in a hierarchical kind
- Available control of connections of clients with the server
- Use of possibilities of server FireBird
- Use in full the table of messages (at the registered version) with possibility of the advertizing companies for users of system

Additional modules:
> Taxi (in development)
> Real Estate Agency (in development)
> Pizzeria (in development)
> Cinema (in development)
> Reference (in development)

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What is it?



The program is designed to exchange data between a PC and a mobile phone consists of two modules - for PC and mobile phone that supports java. At the core of the program is open port on your computer and connect to that port phone with support GPRS, and sharing with each other commands. The data is in the server database FireBird and contain: the users table, a table of active connections, the log table (table comments), message table, a table of data (for sharing with users of mobile software module).
The users table consists of: data users with the possibility of distribution rights of access to data tables.
Table of active connections includes: data about the users who connect to the server at this time.
Table comments: incoming messages (comments) mobile units.
Table of data exchange is in the form of layers of data, when it selected item is part of the data, and may include Next group of data. An example of the type of data tables:


  Number 1

              Number 1.1

                    Number 1.1.1




                      Number 1.1.2


                      Number 1.1.3


               Number 1.2


              Number 1.3


  Number 2


  Number 3



Each row of the table data sharing may include, depending on the status of data:
- The line number
- The column number
- Number of main lines (the group which includes this line)
- Status (menu item, text data, picture, wap - transition, the price tag data)
- Title of position
- The path or description, depending on the status
- Number
- Price
- Currency


It is possible to view and edit table data using Excel.


For the data exchange is necessary to: set up GPRS on your mobile phone and have a static IP address of the PC (in case of a dynamic address, the knowledge of it under an hour to connect).


Purpose of the program

As an alternative replacement for the phone wap pages, with an edge in the rapid establishment of the necessary data for viewing, without having to buy a hosting and support, the presence of only a computer connected to the Internet. Can be used as a guide, handbook, instant text messaging, etc. In the development and connection of additional modules to the database, you can extend the capabilities of the program, for example:
- Request
- Dispatching taxi service
- Real estate agency
- Etc.



- Quickly create and edit table data exchange
- The required number of tables of data exchange
- Editing of rights and access to customers' tables
- Ability to create GROUPS data, and editing them
- View the data tables in a data tree
- Monitoring client connections to the server
- Use of the server FireBird
- Use the full table of messages (in registered version) with the possibility of advertising campaigns for users of the system



Be sure to install on your computer Firewallfor denying access unwanted programs. Opening the port, check that : there is no port in the black list, conflicts with other programs. Check your computer for open ports is possible with a "port scanner", or "vulnerability scanner".

Online Assistant server

Version :

Online Assistant server